
Training, Teaching and Learning with 

Toward Sustainable Communities

Each author of Toward Sustainable Communities is an experienced, award-winning instructor, trainer, and consultant. Between us we have decades of experience helping associations, organizations, and communities pursue sustainable community development. This edition of the book and the many resources here on Pando are designed to make learning and application effective and easy in a wide variety of settings.


The applied, participatory approach we use works beautifully in professional development initiatives (governments, commissions, foundations, nonprofit agencies, professional associations, businesses, sustainability offices), academic credit programs (graduate, undergraduate), noncredit programs (workshops, lifelong learning, professional certificates), and self-directed efforts (neighborhood associations, civic organizations, faith groups, unions, advocacy groups).

The key to our collaborative approach is the equitable and inclusive application of the concepts and methods in the book in a specific place. Contact us for help with your unique situation.


Here are some examples from our experience of how this could play out in different situations:

For specific guidance about these possibilities, please contact us here